
Dynamic testing machine

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DFT-MC-30 Electro-hydraulic servo earth-moving machinery driver seat vibration benth

        DFT-MC-30 series electro-hydraulic servo earth-moving machinery driver's seat shaker can be designed and manufactured according to the test specifications of various vehicle manufacturers, and fatigue life tests can be carried out on various car subframes, small car axles, and car bodies.

    1、ISO 2631-1:1997 

    1、Maximum test force: ±30 kN
    2、Maximum dynamic test force: ±20 kN
    3、Maximum displacement of actuator: ±100 mm
    4、Maximum speed of actuator: >1.0 m/s,Maximum acceleration>1.5g
    5、Main test waveforms:Sine wave, Triangular wave, Square wave, Oblique wave and power spectral density displacement wave.